Participating in a community chat

In certain cases, as with a group program or appointment, a provider may create a community chat where you can communicate with other members and your provider.


Using a community chat

Your provider may set up a Community Chat, which allows you to connect with other members in a group Chat forum. 

You can access community chats from the Chat tab on the left hand side menu of your dashboard.  It will appear alongside your other chat conversations; however, if you want to filter to just find your community chats, you can click on the "Type" tab, and select "Community Chats" from the drop down. 

No longer see a Community Chat? 

If you previously had a Community Chat and no longer see it, it is possible that your provider has ended the Community Chat. In this instance, we recommend reaching out to your provider to discuss directly, by sending them a message on the Chat platform. 

Needing to reach your provider?

If you would like to reach your provider, we recommend that you Message your Provider via Chat. Within your account, navigate to Chat > New Chat Message. 

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