Fullscript and Healthie

Your provider may have recommended a supplement/product for you to utilize, using Fullscript, which is an online dispensary of health and wellness supplements.


How recommendations from your provider are sent

You will receive an email notification if your provider has recommended a supplement. You'll be able to view the product(s) that your provider has recommended, including any notes about dosage, frequency, and benefits. 

How to order a recommended product online 

From your email, you will be able to log into Fullscript to then fulfill this transaction. Click the "View your recommendation" in your email, which will bring you the online dispensary (store). You'll be able to add the recommended product(s) to your cart and check-out. Your products can be delivered to your home address (or any shipping address you provide). 

Making a purchase will send an update to your wellness provider, letting them know that you've fulfilled the product or supplement they recommended. 

Needing to reach your provider?

If you would like to reach your provider, we recommend that you Message your Provider via Chat. Within your account, navigate to Chat > New Chat Message. 

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