Food Journaling

Through your Healthie portal, you can log food and nutrient data, using the photo food journaling capability and Healthie's integration with the USDA Food Database. This makes it easy for you to keep a diary of your daily food intake.  Your provider is the only entity that is able to view journal entries, and these are not shared with other clients or publicly. 

Healthie's food and nutrient journaling is a feature that needs to be enabled by your provider. So, if you would like to log nutrition entries, but do not see this when you log into your portal, your provider may need to turn this on for you, if appropriate for your Care Plan. Your provider may also turn on / off certain logging details based on your specific Care Plan, so you will likely not see all options for logging that are discussed below. 


Adding a Photo Food Journal Entry

When you add a photo food journal entry, there are a variety of sub-categories within the entry for you to fill out. 

Food Photo

At the top of your entry, you'll be able to upload a photo of your meal. Click on "Add Photo." You can then either take a new photo or choose a photo from your library. 


Add a free-text comment about your meal, describing what you ate and any other details you want to tell your provider.

Hunger Level

Healthie uses Hunger Levels "Not" "Somewhat" and "Very" to enable you to indicate how hungry you are while eating a meal or snack.  

Pre-Meal Hunger/Post-Meal Fullness

Healthie uses a Pre/Post-meal hunger scale to indicate how hungry you are to how full you are before or after a meal or snack on a scale of 1 to 10. 


Your provider may enable a setting such that you can record your mood while making an entry. Mood options currently include Happy, Stressed, Tired, Confident, or Anxious.  

Note: You may feel that not all of these moods are relevant to you. We are currently working on an update to increase the number of mood options available and will update this post when this is made available to you. Right now, your provider is not able to customize the mood options available to you either, but our forthcoming update will allow for more options and flexibility with regard to mood logging. 


Healthie uses Healthiness benchmarks of  "Thumbs down", "Thumbs sideways" or "Thumbs up" to enable you to indicate how healthy you think a certain meal choice is. When you have posted an entry, you and your provider will see perceived healthiness.

Thoughts after Eating

Leave any last thoughts after your meal here for your provider to review. 

Meal Category

Indicating whether the post is a "Meal" or a "Snack".

Posting your journal entry

When you're done with your journal entry, click "Post Entry." Your entry will now be published and visible to your healthcare provider to review. 

In the instance where you are logging a food journal entry from the mobile app, and the app closes out, your entry data will be saved. The next time you log into the app and click "Food," the information from your latest entry that you did not publish will populate. This will allow you to finish your entry and publish it.  

There is not currently a feature for directly printing your journal, however if you'd like to create a physical copy, you may copy-paste your entries from the browser into a document, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

Needing to reach your provider?

If you would like to reach your provider, we recommend that you Message your Provider via Chat. Within your account, navigate to Chat > New Chat Message. 

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