Purchase package or pay invoice for family member

If you would like to pay an invoice for a family member, you both must have Healthie accounts. You can request that your provider links the accounts, so you receive all communication regarding invoices and other billing information.


Paying an invoice for a family member

When your family member has an invoice due, request that your provider send you an email notification alerting you of the balance. From the email, you can pay the invoice through the Healthie platform. Click here for more details on paying an invoice within Healthie. 

Purchasing a package as a gift

If you want to purchase a package as a gift, you will need to obtain the package link from your family member's provider.  When you click on the link to purchase the package, check the box that says "Purchase as a gift."

You will be prompted to enter to details such as:

  • Payment information
  • Recipient information

You will receive a receipt for your purchase. 

Gift recipient experience

Gifting a package will automatically create a Healthie account for the recipient. The recipient will see receive an email notification with the details of their package. Clicking the " View Package Details" button will bring them to their payment portal within Healthie where they can view and interact with the package. 

Other options for purchasing services for family members

If none of these options work for you, but you would still like to purchase a package for a family member, you have two other options:

  1. Coordinate directly with your family member to relay card information for payment
  2. Contact your family members' provider directly to give payment information. Your provider will enter this payment information into the client's profile accordingly.

Needing to reach your provider?

If you would like to reach your provider, we recommend that you Message your Provider via Chat. Within your account, navigate to Chat > New Chat Message. 

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