
Programs are customized courses that your provider has created for you to complete. Programs are broken into modules, which may consist of videos, documents and handouts, surveys and quizzes, e-mails, and other pieces of content for your review & completion. Your wellness provider may use Programs to help deliver important education over time, and to work with you towards your health goals. Not all wellness providers offer programs, so it's best to check with your provider directly to see if there are any upcoming programs you can enroll into. 


Purchase and enroll in a Program

If your provider is offering a program for which you'd be a good fit, you may discover it in a few ways:

  • Your provider may send you a link to a package containing a program.
  • Your provider has the link to a package containing a program available on their website, a newsletter, or another form of communication.
  • Your provider may manually enroll you into the program.
  • You may go to your "Packages" tab (from the web browser) to see if there are any available packages containing a program in which you are interested in enrolling. 

Sometimes, providers include programs within a package alongside other services, such as appointments and group appointments. They may offer a program for a fee, or for free. This is determined by your wellness provider. 

Please note, programs may be offered on a rolling basis, or at a fixed-start. If the program you've enrolled in has a fixed-start date, you will not be able to access the information until the program goes live. If the program you wish to enroll in has already started, you may still be able to join. Please contact your wellness provider directly for more details. 

Locate a program you've been enrolled in

You can conveniently access programs that you are enrolled in from your computer and mobile device

From your computer:

  • On the main Healthie platform, click on "Programs"
  • Select "View Details"

From the Healthie mobile app: 

  • Click on the three lines on the top left of your app
  • Click "Programs" in the menu

You'll now see all of the programs that you've been enrolled into, along with your status. Tap your program to access it. 

Progress through a program 

Once you're enrolled, you'll be able to see any programs that you've been enrolled in from both the web browser and the mobile app. The status of each program will be listed (Not Started, In Progress, Complete). 

From the "Programs" tab, select the program that you wish to view. You'll be able to review the program information, as well as a list of the modules included. 

Each program consists of modules that your provider has assembled. Modules can be different content types including: emails, documents, surveys, and videos. 

Email modules will be sent directly to the email address that you have on file. You may view email modules from the web browser only at this time, you cannot access them from the mobile app. We suggest that either check your email, or log into Healthie from the web browser to visit an email modules. 

In a fixed-start date program, you'll be able to see the dates that each module/content became available. Upcoming modules will display, with a lock icon next to them, indicating that they are not yet available to view. 

To complete a module, simply click the module and review the information provided. Again, this may be a form, a survey, a document, a video, or an email. Once you've done so, the module will automatically mark itself as complete. If there is another module to complete, you'll see a "Next" option to move onto the next module. 

You are able to view previous program modules, that you have already completed, by pressing the "View" button next to the indicated module. 

Preview Upcoming Modules within a Program

If you click on "Modules" within a Program in the upper right, you will be able to see an overview of Program items, including modules that have not been made available to you. 

FAQs: Programs

I am unable to view a Module. What is the reason for this?

  • The most common reason that you are unable to view a module is that it has not yet been released for your view. We recommend coordinating with your provider, to confirm that the date has passed, upon which you can view a specific module.
  • If you are on the mobile app, and are unable to open lessons in your program (e.g., getting an authentication screen), please confirm that you have sufficient storage on your local device. As a back up, please also confirm that you are on the latest version of the mobile app, by deleting and re-installing the app.  

If you have any other questions regarding Programs, please Message your Provider via Chat

Needing to reach your provider?

If you would like to reach your provider, we recommend that you Message your Provider via Chat. Within your account, navigate to Chat > New Chat Message. 

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