Set profile picture

Personalize your account by adding a profile picture to your platform. Your profile picture, as well as anything else that you share on this platform, is visible only to you and your provider. 

Note: For providers - At this time, it is not possible for a provider or organization to upload a profile picture on behalf of a client, this is an action that a client will need to do within their web or mobile platform. 


Set up your profile picture

You are able to upload or modify a profile picture from either the mobile app or your computer.

On the mobile app:

  • Click on the Navigation menu, and then select the "Settings" tab.
  • Click on "Update Profile Picture."
  • You will be able to then view, and modify your profile picture.

On your computer: 

  • Click on the Settings wheel in the upper right hand corner.
  • Click on the "Personal Account" tab.
  • Upload or update your profile picture.

Sizing recommendations

We recommend using a picture with a 1:1 ratio of width and height in a JPEG, PNG, or GIF file type format. This will prevent images from appearing distorted. Here is some information on re-sizing your images: Resize, rotate, or flip an image in Preview on Mac

Viewing your profile picture

Your profile picture will show up in the top corner of your Healthie account. It is visible to you and your provider only, and is not publicly visible in any way. 

Needing to reach your provider?

If you would like to reach your provider, we recommend that you Message your Provider via Chat. Within your account, navigate to Chat > New Chat Message. 

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